An audio interface is one piece of recording equipment that
can be found in almost every home studio. If you want to use DAW (digital audio workstation) software to record
from microphones and direct-input guitars, you will need to purchase an audio
interface. That is because audio interfaces are the devices that will convert
the analog signal from a microphone or direct-input into a digital signal.
All audio interfaces have some type of inputs, usually XLR
inputs for recording from microphones and ¼ inch instrument cable inputs for
recording guitars directly or any other signal sent through a ¼ inch cable. Some
interfaces have a phantom power feature, which is useful if you want to record input
from condenser mics. To boost the signal you are recording, the audio interface
has internal preamps. The quality of the preamp is one of the main factors
influencing price of audio interfaces. Having a higher number of inputs on the interface will also add to the
cost. In most home studio situations, you can usually get by just fine with 2
to 4 inputs.
Audio interfaces typically have ¼ inch outputs on
the back of them. These outputs are used to send the
audio signal to your monitor speakers. You will also find a headphone jack of the interface that is useful if
you want hear your work through headphones instead of speakers. The headphone
jack usually has its own volume control.
FInally, you might find MIDI inputs/outputs on an audio
interface. For people who record MIDI via keyboard controllers only, the MIDI
ins/outs probably won’t be necessary since the keyboard sends MIDI through its
USB connection. But if you have some older hardware synth units, you will
probably find the MIDI features on interfaces useful.
Here are a few
examples of popular audio interfaces currently on the market
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (approx. $149.99 USD)
24 bit recording
2 mic/instrument inputs with preamps
MIDI input/output
48v phantom power
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Lexicon Alpha (approx. $49.99 USD)
1 instrument input & 1 XLR input
16 bit recording
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PreSonus AudioBox 2X2 (approx. $99.99 USD)
24 bit recording
2 mic/instrument inputs with preamps
MIDI input/output
48v phantom power
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TASCAM US-4x4 (approx. $249.99 USD) 24 bit recording
4 mic/instrument inputs with 8 preamps
MIDI input/output
48v phantom power
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